How to use money as a tool to build sustainable wealth

2 min readOct 10, 2020

This topic is inevitably a favorite. So many people don’t have enough money, spend too much money, don’t make enough money to cover their expenses, take on too much debt, and can’t spot an investment if it spits in their faces.

There are also many books on money management. However, most people lack financial literacy.

Much input is needed to say what I know and believe about the use of money. This article will serve as the focus for many-of-them, but the main focus of this article is the philosophy of money, wealth, and consumption.

Part I: There are only four ways to build wealth

Yes. Only four.

• To earn more money

• Spend less money

• To pay off a debt

• Invest

Every conceivable opportunity- to- build the wealth can be broken- down into one or more of these four areas.

Let’s skim the surface of each one.

To earn more money

If you have a source of money, you are doing it wrong. You’re getting it wrong because you trust your employer will keep paying you.

One day they won’t pay you anymore.

Do your future self a favor and find another way to make money.

For more information about this article just click on this link

How to use money as a tool




I am an Architect by Profession and deals with Valuation of properties (Land and Building) and other various kinds of Loans with Banks and other institutions.