Google Forms

2 min readApr 13, 2022


What are Google Forms, and how can we use them?

What is a google form?

Google Forms is a free online tool from Google, using which we can create an online form. It is called a Google Form. Google Forms is a free tool from Google that you will find in Google Drive. With these Forms, you can create online surveys, tests, and web input forms, then use online social — media with anyone (public) using email, alone with certain people (friends, students, employees) with whom you can share.

The person you share a Google Form will fill in his comments in that form and submits it online. Then all their filled information is saved to your Google Drive in Google Sheets (like MS Excel). Then you can access that sheet. You can see all the answers. Apart from that, you can also download this sheet on your computer or mobile.

The user-friendly interface of these Forms provides you with useful- tools and features. Using it, you can create these forms according to your wishes and manage the response of this form from Google Spreadsheet.

Google Forms is part of Google Drive, available with Google Docs. With the help of these Forms, you can easily collect such data online.

You can also export these Forms to Microsoft Excel. So let us know what these Forms are and how to create them.

To know various Google Products and Services, go to

What are the benefits of Google Forms, or where are these forms used?

  • Registration Form
  • Contact form
  • inquiry form
  • Review/comments form
  • Employment form
  • Questionnaire form
  • Invitation form
  • Meeting form

How to make a google form

Step 1: Google Forms is associated with a Google account, so it is necessary to have a Google account.

Step 2: Open Google Forms by searching Google. One can even open them directly from this Google Forms link. You can open these forms from Google Drive too.

Step 3: Click the blank box (+) in Start a New Form to open a new Form. You can use the default template too.

Step 4: Click +Blank to open a new form. Step 5: You can now modify it as needed

To know more about Google Forms, go to




I am an Architect by Profession and deals with Valuation of properties (Land and Building) and other various kinds of Loans with Banks and other institutions.